We have taken countless ATI exam throughout this semester. I have had an up and down relationship with the ATI and remediation process. At first I was enjoying the learning process of these tools and felt like it was benefiting me. Towards the end I lost this sense not because it was no longer helping it was just because I was overwhelmed with the lack of time and the fact that I couldn’t dedicate the time and effort I wanted to when taking these exams and performing my remediations. That being said I learned a lot about my self and test taking skills. I used to rush and try and get the questions done as fast as I could to be done. After the first two exams I started taking my time and reading the questions carefully and taking more breaks to allow myself to reset. this process greatly improved my test taking and allowed me to recall information and also understand what the questions were asking. Another thing I learned is to not pay attention to the question numbers. When taking the adaptive tests I would get frustrated if I went over 75 and just wait for the test to end and with the set number ones I would start to lose focus and interest once within 15 questions of finishing. I started ignoring the question numbers and just focusing on each question one at a time. Once I did this the tests started going by so much faster and I was again improving. ATI also highlighted the sections I need to focus on to improve. I know my biggest weaknesses are pharm and prioritization. I know now as I review for NCLEX that these are two sections to focus a little extra on to improve my skills. I think that remediations are supper helpful in reviewing what you struggled with and that the ATI resource do an amazing job explain the whole concept and not just the path or nursing interventions but is able to paint a picture of the whole process. Self care is something I have always struggled with and worked hard at. This semester more than ever has highlighted the importance of taking care of yourself and not letting the stress overwhelm me. I started working out more regularly and setting a schedule of work for my self. I made it a goal that no matter what I was going to stop doing homework by 10 pm. This allowed me to be more motivated earlier in the day and I was able to be more productive and still be able to relax at night. I also tried to have my work done before the weekends so I could have that time to myself and be able to hang out with my roommates and relax. These little steps made it so I was able to cope with the stress and anxiety of this year. The test taking and academic skills as well as person self care skills will hopefully carry into my professional life. I think ATI was helpful in showing that I know a lot more than I think I do and that with some time refreshing and the review sessions I will be able to successfully pass my NCLEX. I plan on testing soon after graduation once all my documents and forms are in and cleared. I think for me if I take a long time to study after finishing school I will lose focus and second guess myself where now I have the confidence that I can pass if I where to take it right now. UNE and ATI have made me feel confident in my knowledge and know that even if I do not know the specific medication of condition in detail, I am able to eliminate the answers that are not correct and give myself a better shot at an educated guess. These passed four years have allowed me to grow as a person and increased my excitement to become a nurse and make a difference in peoples life. I am thankful for the experiences that I have had and the professors and clinical instructor as well as my family who have supported me. I can’t wait for this next chapter to begin!