Above is the finished poster project that we made to present to MS3 at Southern Maine Health. We also made a Google form to be able to get feedback from the staff on not only our poster but also on the current fall prevention used on their floor https://forms.gle/tDtJ6i5NbaUgdjk46. While we were on the unit, we talked with the staff about our project as well as with the Nurse Educator They were all very excited to see our finished product and seemed like they had a lot to say on the topic. Unfortunately, we were told that we could not go back up to the floor to deliver our poster and rather emailed it to the nurse educator along with the google form in hopes that we could get some feedback. Sadly we never heard back from the educator even though we reached out several times. The hope is that although there is no direct feedback, the poster was hopefully seen and informative to those who read it. Although we did not get the feedback or directly present the project, it was extremely informative to learn about the importance of fall prevention as well as the evidence-based research surrounding how to improve these issues. Although the original hope was to get feedback from the staff and try and see what their thoughts were on their current fall prevention measure as well as their opinions on the ideas presented in our project, I still feel that this project was a success. Maybe in the future when things are a little less crazy at the hospitals, we will see that our poster and survey were utilized and used to make a change on the floor.

Since our clinicals ended before the completion of our project, we were unable to present while there. Due to COVID restrictions we were unable to go back to the floor once our clincal was over so we had to email our project to the unit Educator. If we were to do it again, we would try to get the poster and survey together sooner so that we could get feedback and interaction directly with the staff. Just from working with them while a clincal I know that the staff would have provided great feedback and been interactive with our presentation. Another thing I think we could have improved on is making the poster a little more eye catching or maybe doing a pamphlets instead. After seeing the rest of the classes project I was extremely impressed with their pamphlets as well as posters. Although I am proud of our final product I think that by doing a pamphlet we would have had more room for information as well as be able to make it less overwhelming to look at.